Sila CLICK kat sini. sure xmenyesal.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


Goodbye 2009, and welcome 2010. Ida, Apis, Uzair, Peruz and Hassan. We celebrate it together at Kl. Watching fireworks launch, eat roti tisu, nasi goreng kampung and of coursed shisha..

Fireworks at melawati

Roti Tisu at Spicy

BBQ night

Saturday, December 26, 2009

23 DECEMBER 2009

A ‘Peniram’ Night.

Today I just spend my time watching television with my mom, but suddenly my friend call and remind me about ‘peniram’, a traditional cake. Actually I am not really sure that ‘peniram’ is a Malay or Indian traditional cakes. Some people call it as a ‘telinga keling’. Just let whatever people call it, only one thing that I know is, it is delicious and I like it so much. My BFF and I go to night market at Stadium Utama Kangar, and we had round about twice to find our ‘peniram’. There is many ‘peniram’ stall there, but only one stall we search for. The most famous and delicious, I just buy 30 pieces for RM2. I have try to make ‘peniram’ for many times, but never done. It is hard for me to make it you know? So I decided to buy it. Easy, I just pay, and eat

22 December 2009

Welcome back to the old world. Kid’s World.

I am sure that you all have your own BFF right? So am I, everything was so fun. Spend time with my BFF (Best Friend Forever) without care or think about anything else. We play like we used to before, when we are kids. But now, we had already 20 years old. But there is nothing wrong with it. We are just tried to have fun with each other. There is been a long time since we both follow our own way to our own university. Started from 3.00 PM, we go out to Kangar, we go to post office first, then to Bank Islam. We just ride motorcycle. After that, we went shopping. Haha, girl like us, what else can we think to do when we own extra money on our purse. After that we just straight back home. Then, you know what? We played with my mom electric bicycle around our village. My friend and I ride on the same bicycle. Everyone who watched, just laugh at us. But we don’t care. “That’s us”.

After that we just ‘lepak’ in front of my house and share our own story with each other. Suddenly, I showed her my new sleeping shoes, and we played with it, take pictures. Even it just a short day, but it still lot of fun.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Datang Bulan lagi..

semua perempuan pernah merasai pengalaman senggugut,betul x? tapi ada jugak sesetengah yg xpernah rasa senggugut bila tiap kali datang bulan..Hari ni aku senggugut lagi, biasa.. first day period.. SAKIT GILER!!! wa cakap lu.. dari pagi td aku asyik terbaring je, nk bangun pn xlarat.. Alahai.. letih.. ada org cadangkan aku minum air suam untuk kurangkan rasa sakit tu, memang betul la.. tapi aku penah cuba, memang sedap, darah keluar lancar je lepas tu. TAPI... dia keluar macam air paip je lajunya.. cornfirm2 la lepas tu aku dh xbangun terus. Bukan setakat perut je sakit, aku rasa macam dh xrasa yg aku ni ada badan. tp satu hari jela,lepas aku bangun tidur tu dh ok la.. ada jugak orang cadangkan makan ubat, hah, yg ni aku xsuka.. memang aku xbuat la. haha..
actually aku lebih suka tahan, hahaha.. aku pasti,korang pn mesti ada pengalaman datang bulan masing2 kan? ape pn,pengalaman ni cuma boleh dirasai kaum berbanggalah..

What is premenstrual syndrome?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a combination of physical and emotional disturbances that occur after a woman ovulates and ends with menstruation. Common PMS symptoms include depression, irritability, crying, oversensitivity, and mood swings. For some women PMS symptoms can be controlled with medications and lifestyle changes such as exercise, nutrition, and a family and friend support system.

is a combination of emotional, physical, psychological, and mood disturbances that occur after a woman's ovulation and typically ending with the onset of her menstrual flow. The most common mood-related symptoms are irritability, depression, crying, oversensitivity, and mood swings with alternating sadness and anger. The most common physical symptoms are fatigue, bloating, breast tenderness (mastalgia), acne, and appetite changes with food cravings.

A more severe form of PMS, known aspremenstrual dysphoric disorder(PMDD), also known as late luteal phase dysphoric disorder) occurs in a smaller number of women and leads to significant loss of function because of unusually severe symptoms.

Friday, December 18, 2009

sketsa 10.30pm...

anak berjalan memakai towel ke bilik air..

Ibu: hah, malam-malam baru nak mandi, xbaik tau mandi malam-malam..
Anak: biasa...siang air xlaju, mlm air laju..

tiba2 anak keluar dari bilik air,

Anak: mak, aerosol spray mn??
Ibu: kt dapo la, kenapa?
Anak: ada lipas...besar..
Ibu: Lipas pon nk takut...

Anak pn msuk dlm bilik air dan terus spray kt 2 ekor lipas yg besar 2..
si lipas yg kepeningan pn terhuyung hayanglah terbangnya...

Anak: mak!! lipas 2 terbang-terbang, dia pusing-pusing..
Ibu: memag la, dh kau spray dia..pening la dia..

si ibu pn masuk ke dlm bilik air membawa penyapu dan terus pukul kedua2 pasangan lipas tu sampai mati..lalu membuangnya..

Anak: ????.. heh,random giler mak aku ni..


Thursday, December 17, 2009

My video and film studies assignment..

Just enjoy my first direct video clip.. Hahaha..
There is many things happened in a way to finished up this assignment.. We fight each other between best friends.. Dugaan..But finally,video ni siap jugak..Kitorang ambil masa 2 hari untuk siapkan shooting kt 2 lokasi yg berbeza.Hari pertama bertempat di Parit, Perak.. Hari kedua cuma kt dalam kawasan UITM Perak..
Sangat penat, tp penat lelah 2 berbaloi apabila dapat A+ dlm subjek ni.. Pengalaman pertama mengarah, masih banyak cacat cela.. Anyway.. Satu pengalaman yg menarik.. Thanks to all who helps..
Credit to all my belove lecturer, classmate,actor and u all..